CAGE Frontman To Guest On 'Westlake And The Pig' Show

December 11, 2009

Vocalist Sean Peck of San Diego metallers CAGE will be the featured guest on this Saturday's (December 12) edition of the "Westlake And The Pig" show on JFL Radio.

"Westlake And The Pig" is a unique radio show that offers the best in indie rock music, along with insightful commentary and hilarious skits. The show features HYDROGYN guitarist Jeff Westlake along with the unpredictable Pig, better known as the frontman for SHEERED LEPUS.

"Westlake And The Pig" can be heard on JFL Radio every Saturday from 6 to 9 p.m. The show re-airs Mondays from 6 to 9 p.m.

For more information, go to this location.

CAGE's fifth album, "Science Of Annihilation", was released in Europe on May 22 through Music Buy Mail (June 7 in the rest of the world). The follow-up to the epic "Hell Destroyer" sees CAGE "pushing its boundaries yet again in every department," according to a press release. "With tracks like 'Planet Crusher', 'Speed Kills', and 'The Scarlet Witch', be prepared to feel the need to turn it up, get in your car and drive fast as Hell! All of the classic CAGE heavy metal sound is intact and found all throughout this 12-track smasher! Like all previous CAGE offerings, these songs will stick in your mind and cause many sleepless nights! If you love classic metal anthems, vocals that soar to the heavens and shatter glass, riffs that crunch your spine, and drums that blaze with thunder then behold…the science of annihilation!!"

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